Melissa J Kipp

Hi there, I'm a frontend developer based in Phoenix, AZ and I'm driven by curiosity of all things on the web. I am passionate about accessibility and my career goal is to create beautiful websites that are open for everyone.

Front-End Developer Work

Source Code

Currently, I believe that my thought process is in a object-oriented approach. I want to write code that can be individually reusable and self-sufficient in nature. Take a look at my Repository

Informational card about website project.

  • Screenshot of Melissa Kipp's portfolio.

    Personal Website

    My goal for this project was to create a smooth and effortless digital experience. I wanted to make a site that was highly unique and memorable. While I was working through the project, several times, I would run into one problem after another. So, in true beginner fashion, I decided to cut back on full control and follow a tutorial. As I mimic Emily Kay’s course, I was able to work out some of my own personal flaws with the process of design to development.
    Check out this GitHub Repo .

    Tech Stack
    • Jekyll
    • Sass
    • Docker
    • GitHub
    • AWS

Graphic Design


I understand the benefits of minimalism in design, but time is short, color and chaos are alluring. Checkout my Designs

Informational cards about design projects.


Image Gallery with caption

The journey of capturing authentic stories. Currently, I am a hobbyist that is working towards a competent level photographer and maybe someday achieving world-class status. Checkout my stock images

"Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy - your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.
--Annie Leibovitz